Meet the Fox's Team - Steve Perkins

Posted on: Wednesday, 31st August 2022

Steve Perkins

This month’s Meet the Team star deserves an extra special mention having recently reached a momentous milestone of 30 years of service. Steve Perkins is an invaluable member of the workshop team, he has witnessed the company and the industry change and grow considerably in the three decades he has been a Boat Builder for Fox’s.

Steve is a craftsman through-and-through with a traditional background initially in furniture cabinet making, before transferring his skills to boats working for Whisstock's Boatyard and then MacMillan Yachts, which later became Spirit Yachts. 

There’s not a lot about joinery that Steve doesn’t know and he loves the opportunity to use his creativity to make his mark on projects. He says “the bigger the job the better” as it allows more time to develop a connection and sense of pride for what he’s working on. He admits he’s happier working indoors these days and benchwork is preferable to give his knees a rest from years of wear and tear.

So, what does Steve do out of work? Well, it seems like it is a prerequisite at Fox’s to be a motorcycle enthusiast and Steve is no exception, he loves Italian bikes and is very proud of his own Ducatti. 

Please join us in congratulating Steve on his 30th anniversary. The Fox’s team thank you for your commitment and loyalty for all these years, we truly appreciate your dedication and wish you many more years of service.

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