Meet the Fox's Team - Lucy Peat

Posted on: Wednesday, 5th April 2023

Lucy Peat, Fox's Rigging and Electronics Administrator

This month we say both hello and a ‘temporary’ goodbye to our Rigging and Electronics Administrator, Lucy, who is departing Fox’s tomorrow on maternity leave. With her second baby due imminently, we couldn’t let her go without a special mention.

Lucy has worked at Fox’s for eight years, covering various roles before finding her forte in the rigging and electronics team. With her naturally organised and efficient nature, Lucy is the glue that holds the department together, ensuring the team has all the parts they need when they need them, and that projects run smoothly and on time.

Her favourite aspect of the job is the people; she says, “The Fox’s team are all so passionate about what they do, and that enthusiasm radiates throughout the company. It also helps that a customer’s boat is generally his ‘happy place’ so in turn, we tend to deal with 'happy' people”.

Lucy met her husband Joe (now co-owner of Elite Yacht Covers) whilst he was working in rigging at Fox’s; Joe had big plans for them to go off sailing around the world before he discovered that Lucy gets chronically seasick. Needless to say, Joe plans to get both children sailing at an early age!

Please join us in wishing Lucy all the best for a very happy and restful(!) maternity leave. We look forward to meeting your little bundle of joy/rigger of the future.

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