Meet the Fox's Team – Artur

Posted on: Monday, 11th July 2022

Artur - skilled workshop hand

Meet Artur, another Skilled Workshop Hand here at Fox’s and a very interesting character, with many stories to tell of the countries he has travelled to and the jobs he has undertaken along the way.

Artur has settled in Ipswich and has been with Fox’s for four years. He has a fantastic range of skills gained in construction and also as a mechanic on cars, bikes, tanks and cranes! Although he didn’t have direct marine experience prior to Fox’s, very little fazes him – it’s clear he can turn his hand to most things, so long as it doesn’t involve sitting behind a desk. In his words “he is at his happiest outside, using his hands as well as his brain.”

Artur’s role in the workshop involves pretty much everything from epoxy and Coppercoating, to hull composite repairs and refinishing. He is particularly enjoying working with the popular new Flexiteek decking product. When asked what he enjoys most about his job, Artur replies “No two days are the same, and I never get the chance to get bored. I hate having nothing to do, and there is no chance of that here”.

Out of work Artur enjoys spending time with his son, trail biking and tinkering with the boat that he lives aboard - whilst looking for his next dream boat project!

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