Meet the Fox's Team - Tim Farrow

Posted on: Friday, 9th October 2020

Fox's Meet the Team - Tim Farrow

Meet Tim, usually easily recognised by his amazing head of hair, but a recent haircut has left him slightly more incognito. Tim joined Fox’s eight years ago as Spray Technician, following a college car mechanics course (where his love of paint/spraying started). 

As one of Fox’s specialist paint and finish team Tim has sanded, prepped and painted vessels of all shapes and sizes, the most memorable being a submarine! When asked what he most enjoys about his job, Tim replies “Seeing a job through from start to finish – it’s so rewarding to bring tired or faded boats back to life”. The more challenging a job the better, a recent hull re-spray using metallic paint is a favourite, along with hand-painting the Thames River Cruisier MV Havengore

Tim is clearly very passionate about his job and if you spot him in the boatyard he would be only too happy to tell you more about what he does. You won’t however be likely to find him on the water, prone to sea sickness he is happiest on dry land.

Outside of work Tim would like to indulge his love of tinkering about with cars but running around after his 2-year-old son is keeping him more than busy for the time being. 

For more information regarding Fox’s sprayshop and hull finishing visit

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Spray Painting