Meet the Fox's Team - Beth

Posted on: Friday, 25th November 2022

Beth - trainee rigger

At 18, our Trainee Rigger Beth is the youngest member of the Fox's family but certainly one that has made an impression on the team.

Beth has been around boats most of her life, and her passion for all things nautical led her from school to an apprenticeship at Landamores Boatyard in Norfolk. She soon developed a particular interest in rigging, so when a transfer to Fox's became available, Beth jumped at the chance to work on big rigs. Even though it meant upping sticks and moving from Norwich to Ipswich on her own.

More and more women are entering the marine industry but they are still in the minority. Beth is currently only one of four at Fox's, but she doesn't let that hold her back in any way. She says it's like having "lots of older brothers".

Passionate about all aspects of rigging, Beth enjoys stepping rigs the most. She was unsure if the height would bother her the first time up a mast, but our fearless Beth loved it and now feels the higher, the better; she can't wait to scale the Oyster 885 mast currently in the marina.

Beth is an excellent example of how an apprenticeship scheme can work for youngsters interested in the marine industry. Her enthusiasm, commitment and determination make her a great asset to the team, and we have no doubt she will go far in her chosen career path.

If you are interested in joining the Fox’s team, particularly in a trainee role please get in contact with us at

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